Andriessen, Louis M Is for Man, Music, Mozart
Aoshima, Hiroshi Mr. Blue Island Has Diabetes
Banchieri, Adriano An Changing Expert Between Ladies and Gentlemen, What Is Called Youth's Prudence (Virtuoso ridotto tra signori e dame, detta Prudenza giovanile)
Barber, Samuel Overture "The School for Scandal"
Bardi, Agustin Never Had a Boyfriend (Nunca tuvo Novio)
Beethoven, Ludwig van Rondo a Caprriccio for Piano in G Major "Rage Over a Lost Penny" (Die Wut über den verlornen Groschen)
Beethoven, Ludwig van Test of Kissing (Prüfung des Küssens)
Beethoven, Ludwig van Dear Magistrat, You Are Freezing (Bester Magistrat, Ihr friert)
Beethoven, Ludwig van Cool, Not Lukewarm (Kühl, nicht lau)
Beethoven, Ludwig van Here Is the Work (Da ist das Werk)
Beethoven, Ludwig van I Beg You, Write the Scale of E Flat Major (Ich bitt' dich, schreib' mir die Es-Scala auf)
Beethoven, Ludwig van Donkey of All Donkeys (Esel aller Esel)
Beethoven, Ludwig van Schuppanzigh Is a Rascal (Schuppanzigh ist ein Lump)
Berio, Luciano Opus Number Zoo
Berlioz, Hector Chorus of 402 Voices in Unknown Celtic Language (Choeur de 402 voix en langue celtique inconnue)
Berners, Gerald Dispute entre le papillon et le crapaud
Berners, Gerald Trois petites marches funèbres
1. For a Statesman (Pour un homme d'état)
2. For a Canary (Pour un canari)
3. For a Rich Aunt (Pour une tante à heritage)
Berners, Gerald Vales Bourgeoises
Bryars, Gavin One Last Bar, Then Joe Can Sing
Cage, John 59 1/2"
Cage, John 27' 10.554"
Cage, John 34' 46.776"
Cage, John 31' 57.9864"
Cage, John Root of an Unfocus
Cardew Cornelius How should we interpret the word 'soon' in the statement 'there will soon be a high tide of revolution'?
Carter, Elliott Musicians Wrestle Everywhere
Chabrier, Emmanuel A Faulty Education (Une éducation manquée)
Cherubini, Luigi Opera "The Betrothed of Three and the Husband of None" (Lo sposo di tre e marito di nessuna)
Converse, Frederick Flivver Ten Million
Donizetti, Gaetano Opera "Theatrical Conveniences and Inconveniences" (Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali)
Endo, Masao Aah! Hot Chestnuts After a Meal
Egk, Werner Oratorio "Fearlessness and Goodness" (Oratorio 'Furchtlosigkeit und Wohlwollen')
Feldman, Morton Madame Press Died Last Week at Ninety
Ferrari, Luc Society II: And If the Piano Were a Woman's Body (Sociéte II: Et si le piano était un corps de femme)
Ferrari, Luc Tautologos III ou Vous plairait-il de tautologuer avec moi?
Ferrari, Luc I'm Wrong, I'm Wrong, I Have My Very Great Wrong (J'ai tort, j'ai tort, j'ai mon très grand tort)
Ferrari, Luc Almost Nothing (Presque rien)
Ferrari, Luc Almost Nothing No. 2 "Thus the Night Continues in My Multiple Head" (Presque rien no 2 "Ainsi continue la nuit dans ma tête multiple)
Ferrari, Luc Almost Nothing with Girls (Presque rien avec filles)
Ferrari, Luc Socialist Music? (Musique socialiste?)
Francesconi, Luca Gesualdo Considered as a Murder
Fukui, Tomoko Music for 5.5 cm on E Strings of Violin
Fukushi, Norio Rice Balls With Milk
Gillis, Don Symphony No. 5 1/2 "A Symphony for Fun"
Gillis, Don Encore Concerto
Gillis, Don Variations on a Kitchen Sink
Gould, Glenn 'So You Want To Write A Fugue?'
Gould, Morton Tap Dance Concerto
A tap dancer appears on the stage as a musical instrument.
Grainger, Percy The Lost Lady Found
Grainger, Percy The Lonely Desert Man Sees the Tents of the Happy Tribes
Grainger, Percy Harlem (125th Street) Walkabout
Hagi, Kyoko What Is Important, That Is Not Seen... (Ce qui est important, ça ne se voit pas...)
Hagi, Kyoko Feces
Haydn, Franz Joseph Symphony No. 55 in E flat major "The Schoolmaster" (Der Schulmeister)
Haydn, Franz Joseph Symphony No. 59 in A major "Fire"(Feuer)
Haydn, Franz Joseph Symphony No. 60 in C major "The Distracted Man" (Il distratto)
Hietala, Timo The Hiccup (Hikka)
Hindemith, Paul Overture to the "Flying Dutchman" as played at sight by a second-rate concert orchestra at the village well at 7 o'clock in the morning (Ouvertüre zum "Fliegenden Holländer", wie sie eine schlechte Kurkapelle morgens um 7 am Brunnen vom Blatt spielt )
Hindemith, Paul Horror of Swimming Lessons (Angst vorm Schwimmunterricht)
Hindemith, Paul Swan-Turner (Der Schwanendreher)
Holst, Gustav Opera 'The Perfect Fool'
Honegger, Arthur Symphonic Movement No. 1 "Pacific 231"(Symphonic Mouvement N° 1 "Pacific 231")
Horii, Katsumi A Story of a Dolphin Yearning for a Geta Which Is Floating on the Water Tired from Swimming
Horii, Katsumi Dolphins Are Enviously Watching the Okinawa Festival from Far Away
Huber, Nicolaus (von...bis...)
Ikebe, Shin-ichiro A Beard of a Bearded Seal Sways by the Wind Blowing across the North Pole
Ikebe, Shin-ichiro Little Red Riding Hood... If She Hadn't Dawdled on the Way...
Ikebe, Shin-ichiro Cinderella... If She Had Liked Loose Comfortable Shoes...
Ikebe, Shin-ichiro The Sleeping Beauty... If She Had Tossed in Her Sleep...
Isaji, Sunao The JB Express at Sundown on Reverse Illusion
Ishikawa, Giichi A Menu for Morning
This is a piano suite which consists of three pieces(miso soup / boiled rice and barley / picked radish).
Ives, Charles The Gong on The Hook and Ladder or Firemen's Parade on Main Street
Ives, Charles Yale-Princeton Football Game
Jacob, Gordon The Barber of Seville Goes to the Devil
Järvlepp, Jan Garbage Concerto
Kadowaki, Osamu Shee-chan, She Was a Juvenile Gangster
Kagel, Mauricio Rrrrrrr...
Kaneda, Bin Ah!
Kanno, Yoshihiro If a Chicken Walks Three Steps It Can Forget Everything
Kato, Yumiko Mother Puts Everything in a Microwave Oven!
Kato, Yumiko Meat Bun, Red Bean Bun, Curry Bun, Pizza Bun, Taco Bun, Teriyaki Bun
Koechlin, Charles Seven Stars Symphony
This is a symphony dedicated to seven film stars(Douglas Fairbanks, Lilian Harvey, Greta Garbo, Clara Bow, Marlene Dietrich, Emil Jannings, and Charlie Chaplin).
Komori, Akihiro A Song Which Improves Your Cooking
Koroku, Reijiro Sad Bouillabaisse
Koroku, Reijiro How About a Cherry Cake With Turkish Coffee
Křenek, Ernst Travelbook from the Austrian Alps (Reisebuch aus den österreichischen Alpen)
Kurosawa, Yoshinori Secret to Playing Piano is Seasoning With Your Fingers
Kurtág, György Les Adieux in Janáčeks Manier
Langgaard, Rued Earwig / Migrating Grasshopper / Cockchafer / Daddy-Longlegs / Dragonfly / Death Watch Beetle / Housefly / Millipede / Mosquito
From "Insektarium"
Leibowitz, René Marijuana - Variations non sérieuses
Leoncavallo, Ruggero Lend Your Wife (Prestami tua moglie)
Liszt, Franz Carousel of Mrs. Pelet-Narbonne [Carousel de Madame Pelet-Narbonne]
Marais, Marin Portrait of an Abdominal Operation (Le tableau de l'operation de la taille)
Marais, Marin Hullabaloo (Charivary)
Martín y Soler, Vicente Opera "A Rare Thing" (Una cosa rara)
Martinů, Bohuslav Thunderbolt P-47
Martinů, Bohuslav Who Is the Most Powerful in the World? (Kdo je na světě nejmocnější)
Maupoint, Andrés
Maruyama, Kazunori Three "Something" (Trois "quelque chose")
Mayuzumi, Toshiro Music for Sine Wave by Propotion of Prime Number
Mayuzumi, Toshiro Music for Modulated Wave by Propotion of Prime Number
Mayuzumi, Toshiro Invention for Square Wave and Saw-tooth Wave
Mayuzumi, Toshiro Why must be the constituon revised?
Masaoka, Yasuchiyo Suite "Four-footed Reptiles Walking on White Keys or Four-footed Reptiles Walking on also on Black Ones"
Mendelssohn, Felix Opera 'I, J. Mendelssohn' (Ich, J. Mendelssohn)
Milhaud, Darius Murder of a Great Chief of State (Meurtre d'un grand chef d'Etat)
Millöcker, Carl Trial Kiss (Der Probekuss)
Minami, Satoshi Harmonics Study - Reconsideration (Discontinued?)
Miwa, Masahiro Red Riding Hood Accompanist
Miwa, Masahiro Bolero by Muramatsu Gear Engine
Mizoiri, Keizo The Bird Man Is Here, He Rests a Bit, He Flies Away Again
Morricone, Ennio Wow!
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Kiss My Ass (Leck mir im Arsch)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Kiss My Ever So Nice Clean Ass (Leck mir den Arsch fein recht schön sauber)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Men Always Want a Nibble (Männer suchen stets zu naschen)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus The Pretended Simpleton (La finta semplice)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus I Go, but Where? (Vado, ma dove?)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 8 Variations on "A Woman Is a Wonderful Thing" (8 Variationen für ein Lied 'Ein Weib ist das herrlichste Ding')
Nakagawa, Toshio Non-integrated Section, Sandplay Therapy for Your (My-)self
Nielsen, Carl Cantata for the 50th Anniversary of the Danish Cremation Union
Nomura, Makoto Greenhorns in Panic
Nozawa, Keiko Hue, I Could Swim 25 Meters!
Offenbach, Jacques Song Lesson (Electromagnetism) (La leçon de chant [Electromagnétique])
Ornsten, Leo Suicide in an Airplain
Persson, Bo Anders Proteinimperalism
Pietri, Giuseppe My House, My House... (Casa mia, casa mia...)
Pittaluga, Gustavo The pilgrimage of the cuckolds (La romería de los cornudos)
Puccini, Giacomo Electric Shock (Scossa elettrica)
Rameau, Jean-Philippe A Deceived Prosector Without Knowledge (Le procureur dupé sans le savoir)
Rameau, Jean-Philippe The Fools of Sologne (Les niais de Sologne)
Rosenblatt, Alexander If Tango Were Invented by a Russian
Rossini, Giacomo Caress to My Wife (Une caresse à ma femme)
Rossini, Giacomo My Morning Hygienic Prelude (Mon prélude hygiénique du matin)
Rossini, Giacomo Asthmatic Etude (Étude asthmatique)
Rossini, Giacomo Inoffensive Prelude (Prélude inoffensif)
Rossini, Giacomo Specimen of Ancien Régime (Spécimen de l'ancien régime)
Saegusa, Shigeaki
Saegusa, Shigeaki
Saegusa, Shigeaki We'll Eat Tokoroten Jelly After Meal, Wear a Summer Komono and Go Look for Firefilies
Saegusa, Shigeaki Kentucky Fried Monkey
Saegusa, Shigeaki DKW-37854
Saint-saëns Opera "Barbarians"(Les barbares)
Saito, Takeshi Troubles Rain Down Like Thorns
Salerno, Christopher Puckish Poltergeist
Satie, Erik Things Seen Right-to-Left; without Glasses (Choses vues à droit et à gauche; sans lunettes)
Schafer, Murray Chant to Keep the Mosquitoes from Biting
Schumann, Robert Song for XXX (Lied für XXX)
Shostakovich, Dmitri Preface to the Complete Collection of My Works and Brief Reflections Apropos This Preface
Siegel, Wayne Devil's Golf Course
Sousa, John Philip Out of Work
Sousa, John Philip Our Flirtation
Sousa, John Philip Recognition March
Sousa, John Philip On the Tramp
Sousa, John Philip The Circumnavigators Club
Sousa, John Philip You'll Miss Lots of Fun When You're Married
Sousa, John Philip The Mingling of the Wets and Drys
Sousa, John Philip Do We? We Do
Sullivan, Arthur Utopia Limited, or The Flowers of Progress
Suppé, Franz von Ten Girls and No Husband (Zehn Mädchen und kein Mann)
Suzuki, Kazuhiko Oculist Witnesses
Tagashira, Yuko Cooking French Toast Smartly With My Dad on Sunday Morning!
Takano, Hiromi Healthy! Tango With Yogurt
Tomasi, Henri Geisha Play (Jeux de geishas)
Tsugihiro, Tomoyuki Requiem for Male Chorus "Magic of Vomiting"
Whitacre, Eric Godzilla Eats Las Vegas
Wilkins, Caroline fffffffff
Wolf, Hugo Preciosa's Aphorism Against Headache (Preciosas Sprüchlein gegen Kopfweh)
Yanagida, Seido Reciprocal Influence of the Rainbow and the Fossil (De L'influence Réciproque de L'arc-en-ciel et le Fossile)
Yasuda, Ken-ichiro If I Were Younger 40 Years... (Si j'étais plus jeune de 40 ans...)
Yoshimatsu, Takashi Bedouin in Acid / Bedouin in Alkali
From "Litmus Distance" for guitar solo
Yoshioka, Hiroyuki Indian Style Chicken Curry
Yoshioka, Hiroyuki Spaghetti Pescatore
Yuyama, Akira 'Absolutely' Is an Negative Adverb
Yuyama, Akira Please Read Our Letters, Dear Mr. Mozart!

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